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Media. This rhetorical component revolves around the method of your writing is presented. For example, a newspaper is a different medium as opposed to an email. One is on paper, the other is digital. A website is different than a slide.

It is important to distinguish between genre and medium. A newspaper on your iphone and the same one on paper are the same genre, but different medium.

As per the situation with regards to the COVID-19 pandemic, all of our work has been submitted online. As per the requirements, the majority of our work has been submitted through the medium of a word document. The exception to this was the presentation of the engineering proposal which was submitted as a slide. This was the appropriate medium for the job, as the intent was to present, therefore a slide was the appropriate media.

Here is a screenshot of the engineering presentation slide. In this slide, we are explaining the background to our incentive to produce an efficient means of fire prevention.

The most important lesson taking regarding media for me is this: Think before choosing your media. It is not always obvious.