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This rhetorical component revolves around the type of composition in the works. The type of composition used depends on a multitude of factors, but the chief being your audience and your purpose.

The genre is the means to an end, and that end being your purpose. You need to pick the correct tool for the job, and the job is your purpose, with the tool being the genre. You wouldn’t use a hammer to install a screw, right?

You also need to consider the constraints put on by your audience. If you audience is a big shot at your company with five minutes to read your unimportant email, then make it a memo. If you have your client expecting a idea from you and you have their attention on a pre planned date, then a engineering proposal is the tool for the job.

During the Spring 2021 semester, we used explored these genres: diagnostic letter, a resume, job post, engineering proposal, technical description, and lab report. each of these tools had a certain job.

The letter was used to briefly introduce me. The resume was used to briefly sell me. The job post was used to briefly show a personnel need. The engineering proposal was used to sell an idea. The technical description was used to nail a concept. The lab report was used to evaluate a lab.

Our audience for the engineering proposal was representatives for the government of the state of California. They were expecting our proposal, and we had their attention. Furthermore, they need extensive detail. These factors, dictated by our audience, meant that a engineering proposal was our genre for the job.